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Wednesday 21 August 2024

What Are These?!

The photos above and below are of some new art  'tools' I just got. There's 100 in a pack.  wonder how I use them...?! Ok, so I watched a video by Lisa Taggart, called "Blossom Moon", and she used on of these. She said they were from Tattered Lace, and were glue sticks. No, they are not sticky! She used one to add a very tiny bit of ink to a small are that wasn't easy to get a brush in to. I googled them and found out that Tattered Lace are out of stock. So then I found a Cosmetology store that sells them!! Yippee, I ordered some yesterday, and bingo, I got them this morning!
In the photo below is one I have used with some brown ink. I taped it to the lid so I knew which colour ink I had used. These little, and  mean, 'little' tools are great especially for colouring intricate designs. They cost me around $5 plus postage. You could also use them for adding tiny amounts of glue to something. They are a very mini version of a cotton bud. I think they will be used for many things!

Thanks for dropping by! Have a SUNSHINE day! Remember to always be your authentic self, and shine bright each and everyday!


Saturday 17 August 2024

Just Dabbling!

I made the bookmark above, using some water colour cardstock. I think I (almost) ruined it when I tried to outline it in pink. I grabbed the wrong pen! It was supposed to be a much lighter pink. Too late! I had to go with it and do my best to make it look ok. Not sure if I like it or not. The jury is still out! The bee's and words are from the latest Lavinia Stamps release. The bee's are called Bumble and Hum. The leaves are also from Lavinia Stamps, but from an earlier release. I used my Kuretake Real Brush markers to colour everything. Did my best to blend the colours. On Bumble and Hums wings I added some Glossy Accents. Their wings also have some clear Wink of Stella on them. I dotted some gold Stickles on the leaves. The curly its on the leaves have some clear glitter pen on, very sparkly in real life!
Above and below is a hand made book I recently purchased at the Papercraft Show I went to last month. The pages are all hand made paper, and the book measures about 7 3/4 inches by 5 3/4 inches. Not sure how many pages, maybe 50 but I haven't counted them.  I want to write small verses I have written, on each page. So far all U have done is stamp on the first page... you can see here! I bought a stamp that says, "You're The Best Brilliant Ray Of Sunshine". Each word is a separate stamps, so you can stamp them in any order. Because this stamp (almost!) matches my blog name, I added the word "Little". The sunshine stamp is one I designed some years ago. One of the local stamp companies here in NZ that I used to buy from, asked if they could use that stamp on their newsletters. Anyway that's as far as I have got with the book! Oh yes, after being possibly exposed to Covid last weekend, my test has come back negative thank goodness.  Thank you for dropping by! Have a SUNSHINE day! Remember to always be your authentic self and shine bright each and every day!


Tuesday 13 August 2024

A Very Sad and Painful Story.

I am the youngest sibling of three. I have and older sister and brother. We all had a strong interest in horses and all had or own horses for many years. In 1983 my sister and I had planned to go riding together. I was unable to go as I wasn't feeling well. My sister asked a young neighbour of hers to go with her. They were riding on a public road and were approaching a small one land bridge. They stopped the horses and pulled onto a small grassy verge to let the traffic go past. They were parallel to the road, facing the same way the traffic was going. A delivery truck came from behind my sister and her neighbour, and he hit my sisters horse, flipping her over and leaving my sister and her horse lying on the ground.  He then drove off without stopping to check if anyone was injured. My sister was unconscious, and her horse had a HUGE 8 inch wide  by 19 inch long strip of flesh off her rump, and was bleeding. (Back then we did not have mobile phones). A guy in a work truck came along seconds later, and stopped and put my sister in the recovery position , then called for an ambulance via his work RT. He then waited with my sister and her friend until the Ambulance arrived. The guy that hit the horse, had a passenger with him who saw what had happened and had tried to get the truck driver to stop. However he did not stop.  My mother got a phone call from the hospital saying that her elder daughter had been in an accident and was unconscious in the hospital in a serious condition and advised us to get to the hospital asap. I called my brother and told him the news, and we all drove to the hospital. We were all in shock.  When we got to the hospital my sisters husband was there, as well as the guy who had stopped to call the ambulance, and put my sister into the recovery position. We were ushered into a small private room where we all sat down while the doctors explained that my sister was unconscious, and they had put her into a medically induced coma to allow the swelling in her brain to go down. They did not know if she would survive.. They did not know that if she did survive, that she would be able to walk, or talk, or be able to live a normal life. We were all in shock and it was really hard to comprehend what had happened. My sister stayed in hospital for months and was in a coma for many weeks. As a family, we visited her every day,  my mother an I often went three times a day. As my sister slowly came out of the coma, she had to learn how to walk, talk, feed herself, dress herself, all the things you do every day without thinking about how to do it. It was a very slow process, but little by little my sister came back to us. Previously to this, she had been a horse breeder as well as a rider. She had young foals she had been breaking in and training. We all wondered if she would be able to carry on with the breeding, or even ride again. Little by little my sisters memory came back. We had lost our father very suddenly the year before and were not sure if my sister remembered this. However, she did. I took photos of her horses into her, as well as some of us riding together. She remembered all the horses names etc. In the meantime, the Police had gone to interview the young girl who was riding with my sister that day. She was only 12, and had witnessed the whole thing. However, sadly, the Police interviewed her without an adult present, so they could not prosecute the guy in the truck who had caused the accident, because the witness was underage and had not had an adult with her when she gave evidence. He never admitted he had caused the accident, but later that day it happened, he went to the Police and said he had "seen" an accident, but did not admit he had caused it. He was never charged with anything. We would often see him out and about in his delivery truck. At the time, he was a delivery driver for a Local well known Stationery store. He lived just down the road from here. So my sister gradually learned how to do things, and was discharged from the hospital. She needed daily physio for many months, went through menopause at the age of 35 and needed extensive dental surgery as well. Amazingly, my sister had no broken bones from the fall. Her horse was also ok, and the skin that had been ripped off slowly healed and grew back. My sister did carry on (albeit slowly) riding her beloved horses, and she carried on with the breeding as well. She showed her horses, and I always went with her and became her photographer. Her horses always did well in the show ring wining many firsts. I got to know a couple of the other competitors and ended up doing some photography of their horses as well. It was mostly a very friendly bunch of people at these events.  My sister and I carried on riding together. We spent a lot of time together, with our horses. This went on for several years, until my sister moved over two hours North. I didn't see much of her as it was too far away and I don't drive. Then things began to change with my sister. Her personality began to change. Before the accident, she was  very strong minded and didn't take s#@t from anyone. Sadly this all slowly changed and she became very dependent on someone in her life who has a narcissistic personality and now had control over her. My sister became spiteful towards me, accusing me of odd things that I could not possibly have done. It was emotionally challenging for me, as well as my mother. Other family members and friends also noticed the negative change in my sister. No-one was safe from the hurtful things she would say. Because of the accident, my sisters blood did not circulate properly, and eventually she had to have some toes amputated. She had a very small cut on one of her toes, which did not heal, and that was the beginning of her having to have surgery to amputate. Then it was one of her legs that they had to amputate. She was always cold, and wore gloves on her hands all the time. Eventually she had some fingers amputated as well. I saw very little of her over her  last ten years, and I never became immune to her nasty spiteful comments. It was extremely hard to understand that this was her TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) making her like this. Her personality had gone from white to black. Her personality was the complete opposite to what it  had been before the accident and as a family, we were not the only ones to see it, or feel it. I found myself confused and hurt and often in tears many times, not understanding the situation at all. It was hard and it was painful.  I became distant from my sister, the beautiful sister I had once been so close to was not there anymore. Like me, she was a bit of an artist and used to do water colour painting. She carried on with this as best she could. Because of the geographical distance, and the fact that she was no longer able to drive, I did not see her and only occasionally heard from her. Then one evening almost 7 years ago, she sadly passed away from injuries from the accident. She passed away on what would have been her 70th birthday. She had lived with a Traumatic Brain Injury for 34 years. I miss her heaps. I miss the sister I only had for 35 years. I miss the fun times we spent on our beloved horses. The fun times we took our horses swimming at the beach, or galloping crazily along the beach with not a care in the world. I miss her dearly every day. RIP my beautiful sister, we love you...

The passenger with the guy in the truck that hit may sisters horse, was apparently somewhat intellectually disabled and even though he saw what had happened, he was not allowed to give evidence.

Thank you if you have read this to the end. This is something I have wanted to write for some time. There's so many more layers to this, but I cannot write it here due to some people's names needing to be kept private. My sister had two teenage boys at the time. They too are obviously deeply affected by this accident. In MY opinion, it was NOT an "accident". In MY heart and mind it is manslaughter. A hit and run. My sister was not to blame in anyway. She did not 'have  an accident'. She was an innocent victim of some selfish person who hit her horse, and left her for dead on the side of the road and drove off KNOWING what he had done. Personally, I hope the guy that caused this "accident" has had a tormented life, and rots in Hell. Amen. 

Thank you to those who have stayed to the end and patiently read all of this. It is something I have wanted and needed to write for some time. Something in me 'shifted' recently, and said the time was right to write this. Have a SUNSHINE DAY! Remember to always be your authentic self, and shine bright each and every day.

Sunday 11 August 2024

New Card(s)!

Both these cards are made using two of y new Chocolate Baroque stamps.
The first card is ruined :-( It got suck onto the black card in the wrong place and I (stupidly) thought I could remove it. Big mistake, it ripped., and then I somehow spilled water on the image! (Don't ask!)  Oh well, it's just an opportunity to make another one! I just thought I would show it anyway. The name of that (above) image is, "Spring Awakening". Very pretty when she isn't ripped, lol! This card below, is called "Autumn Medley", and yes, she has purple and pink hair!
All these Chocolate Baroque stamps I have been using, measure about 5 3/4 x 3 3/4 inch in size, so they are quite a big size. Ok, that's all for today. I am not feeling 100% well and think I need to adjust my medications. Thanks for dropping by! Have a SUNSHINE day! Remember to always be your authentic self and shine bright each and every day!


Saturday 10 August 2024

An Act of Pure Selfishness.

 I've just been to my local Pharmacy to pick up some meds I needed. While waiting, an older guy comes into the pharmacy, mask hanging off his face, and he's waving his phone in the air saying, "I've got Covid and you told me to call you from OUTSIDE the Pharmacy"!! He was standing right beside me, and when I heard what he said, I moved away. The assistant (whom I know personally) freaked out and told him in no uncertain terms, to leave the pharmacy immediately. He stayed where he was and repeated that he had Covid and was told to stay OUTSIDE the Pharmacy and to call them from OUTSIDE. By now other customers had left the Pharmacy, and I was also heading out the door too. The assistant once again told him to LEAVE the Pharmacy IMMEIATELY.  He finally left and went outside. For someone like myself, who has virtually no immune system,  and who has been hospitalized hundreds of times due to  infections, coughs and colds, I was feeling really angry and annoyed at this guys selfishness. I eventually got what I needed and left the Pharmacy. The annoying this is, I was in the Pharmacy for at least another 12 minutes while they got my injections etc I needed, and their phone never rang. That means this guy never called them. What the beep?? The assistants in the Pharmacy were not happy with him and apologized to me and said they hoped I was safe and didn't contract Covid from him. They know me well and very aware that I have virtually no immune system. I have done very well in avoiding Covid so far, and have spent months in isolation when Covid was at it's worst. I self isolated at home and had people do my shopping and drop it at my door for me. It wasn't an easy or fun time for me, and I felt very isolated and not seeing anyone for months at a time. So to have this selfish ignorant guy to do what he did and expose everyone in the Pharmacy to Covid, is just beyond my comprehension. So yes! I am feeling rather disappointed in his behaviour, and angry. Not to mention feeling anxious that I may have been exposed to Covid.  If you believe in the power of prayer, please pray for me! I am not religious, I am very spiritual and believe in the power of prayer.

Sorry this post is not my usual! Thanks for dropping by! Have a SUNSHINE day! Remember to always be your authentic self and shine bright each and every day!

P.S...I have some new stamps... :-)

Wednesday 7 August 2024

Kuretake Real Brush Water Colour Markers.

 This was an experiment, and I'm happy to say it was a success! These are a few of my Kuretake Real Brush Water Colour Markers.
WhileI love all the colours, I never had any success with blending them...until now!
I scribbled one colour (the top colour) on to a piece of LS water colour cardstock. Then I used a more pale colour of similar shade to the top colour, dipped the tip of that brush marker into a drop of water and blended the colours. This gave me a graduating colour and blended nicely. The numbers are the colours I used, top colour, then the colour I used to blend it. Having unexpectedly spent all day yesterday unwell and in hospital, I wanted to do something 'arty' this morning, that didn't take too much effort or brain power! (I came home at 10 pm last night and went straight to bed.) I have never been great at blending with my wc markers, having been told various methods that did not work for me, I thought of this idea this morning while having breakfast, and thought I'd give it a try! If it didn't work, well I had learnt something, and if it did work, I had learnt something great! I will keep this sample for reference.
Ok, so that's it for today. I am very tired, and will need to rest in awhile. When I say 'rest', what I mean by that is, lay on my bed in the sun and watch some of the Paris Olympics! Thanks for dropping by, have a SUNSHINE day! Remember to always be your authentic self, and shine bright each and every day!

Saturday 3 August 2024

Let Me Light Your Way!

Ok, so this card was done quickly, to see if I knew what I was doing! A practice run, you could say! Looks like I did know what I was doing, by the photo below! Yes, it has tiny lights! 

Did you see the word "Press", and did you press it?! Well done, you made the card light up! These are mini LED Lights I got from a local craft store here in NZ. I learned a few things along the way in making this card. Next time I will make a darker sky so it appears that it is night time when the lights go on. I will also measure my two layers of card stock and trim it to size before I layer it on to the black card stock. The front of the card is on sponge tape and my cutters (I have a few different ones) had 'issues' because the sponge tape was too thick for them to cut. I cut the frame by hand in the end, because it worked! Anyway, I am stoked that it actually worked, and it wasn't hard to create at all. Once you've stamped your images, you then punch small holes (3) where you want the lights to be. Then you tape the lights so they peek through the holes you've punched. I have other mini LED lights, and these have ten lights...that's going to be a project for Christmas me thinks! And hopefully by then all my aches and pains will have been resolved! (I hope The Universe heard me!)  Today it's not very warm at all, about 9c right now. My right arm/elbow is very painful and I think the icy cold temperature is making the pain worse. Just taken my 2nd dose of Paracetamol, so fingers crossed that gives me a little bit of relief. Feel free to ask any questions! Ok, that's it for now, thanks for dropping by! Have a SUNSHINE day! Remember to always be your authentic self, and shine bright each and every day!


Friday 2 August 2024

"Lady in A Hat"!


Hmmm, I don't know why this picture  is showing up as pink?!It was created on a sheet of WHITE card stock! Bummer. You'll just have to believe me when I tell you it is not pink! This is another Chocolate Baroque stamp I bought at the recent Papercraft show I went to. She is called..."Lady in Hat". I fussy cut a couple of the flowers and added them to the side of her hat, almost as if they are flying off her hat! In the photo below you can see I have used sponge tape to give some of the flowers a 3D effect. I used a star stencil for the background on this card, and added some clear glitter gel pen to some of the stars. The background is in pale colours and not easy to see on these photo's.

I am still not doing a lot of creating because I am still in a fair amount of pain. I try, but the pain gets in the way and I give up. I see my Doctor next week, and I am hoping he has some answers for me! Thanks for dropping by! Have a SUNSHINE day! remember to always be your authentic self and shine bright each and every day!