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Sunday 5 March 2023

Beautiful Cats, Photography by Sunshine!

This gorjuss girl, above and below, is "Wookie".  Such beautiful markings on her! 

This handsome boy in the photo above and the ones below is, the gorgeous "Teddy"!  Oh those blue eyes...!
It was a challenge to get him to look at the camera.  He would rather have checked out some birds in a nearby tree, or watch "Wookie" who was having a wash! Patience finally won out, and I got these photo's, plus a whole bunch more I took. Such beautiful cats, and such posers! The photos look amazing full screen,

 Thanks for dropping by! Have a SUNSHINE day!  Remember to always be your authentic self, and shine bright each and every day!


  1. Beautiful cats and photos! Our Shawn and Gus do not appreciate having their photos taken, so they’re usually uncooperative. :) -Andrea

    1. Hi Andrea! Thanks for your comment! When I first got into photography, I was told that animals and children can be challenging to photograph. I quickly learned that if I get down and play with them - children or animals - then it was much easier get good shots of them because they were more relaxed. You also need lot's of patience with both of them! So far playing with them and being patient has paid off and I have been able to get some great shots! My youngest niece was/is very photogenic, and when she was younger I took tons of photos of her and entered them into competitions. I won lot's of photo contests with those photo's. So be patient with Shawn and Gus and you might just get some good shots of them!
      Sunshine xx

  2. Don't you just wonder what they're thinking. Great shots!


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