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Monday, 15 April 2024

Sepia Clouds and A Surprise Visitor In My Backyard!

I took this photo of the moon a few weeks ago. I took it because the clouds were a sepia colour around it. I'm not sure why the clouds were this colour.
These next four photo's, starting above and below, are of a Pukeko (Swamp Hen) I saw in my back yard. While I have seen plenty of these birds before, this was the first time I have seen one in my back yard! 
I used to see these birds at my horse paddocks, there was a small stream and swampy area they used to hang out at. 
This bloke was just quietly wandering around the lawn, checking out what bugs and insects he could snack on! He is on the top of my fence because Wookie had spotted him on the lawn, and had run towards him. He was way too fast for her and flew up on to the fence! I couldn't get too close to him, so used a zoom lens to get these photo's. 
Look at the size of those claws! I wouldn't want to tangle with him, I doubt I would come out unscathed!

While I was outside taking these shots, Romeo was inside meowing to get out. He could see the Pukeko and was fascinated by it. The first time he had ever seen one! And Wookie? I'm sure she was thinking of a second breakfast!
Mr. Pukeko was here for about 3.4 of an hour, sometimes disappearing into the bush, then reappearing on the lawn, digging for bugs etc to eat. His feathers were iridescent in the sun, and he looked to be very healthy. I hope he comes back sometime! Thanks for dropping by! Have a SUNSHINE day! Remember to always be your authentic self, and shine bright each and every day!

1 comment:

  1. Cool pictures! That moon photo looks like the perfect setting for a spooky story. And the Pukeko is amazing. I’ve never seen or heard of that bird before - it’s a beautiful color, and those feet are wild! Thanks for sharing! -Andrea


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