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Wednesday 1 May 2019


I recently purchased two black ink pads from a craft store in Australia. One ink pad is from Lawn Fawn, and the other one is from My Favorite Things.  Both are Black Licorice colours.  I ordered these because I had read online that they were both really nice dark black colours, which is what I wanted.
Neither of these ink pads are available here in New Zealand.
I got the ink pads yesterday and tried them as soon as they arrived.  
When I stamped them, the inked images look faded and are not at all the nice dark black colour I presumed they would be.
I have emailed back and forth today, with the store I bought them from and have been told these ink pads are for layering and do not give a nice dark image when stamped.
I emailed both companies, MFT and Lawn Fawn.  MFT said the ink pads ARE a nice crisp dark black colour.
So I have wasted over $16 for two ink pads that are useless and I can't stamp with them.
I am really disappointed with Craftie Cafe in Australia and will not purchase from them again.  
I am now trying to find where I can buy ink re-fills for both these ink pads.  
I have other black dye based ink pads, as well as coloured ones, and they all give a nice dark impression when stamped.  Craftie Cafe said the dye based inks do not give a dark impression.
So that is my day so far.  I am not happy at all:-(
So, what is YOUR choice of black ink pads and which ones give a nice dark impression??  
All my SU ink pads give a nice deep coloured impression, and guess what??  They are dye based!  Below is the images I stamped.  The Versafine is a stamp pad I have and yes, I know it is a pigment ink, so it gives a different impression.
Thanks for dropping by and listening to my rant!  Have a SUNSHINE day!  {HUGS} from me to YOU:-) 

1 comment:

  1. That is disappointing! The comment that dye ink pads don't give a dark impression is ridiculous. Those images make me think that the pads just need to be re-inked. (And I saw in your more recent post that Lawn Fawn is sending you an ink refill. Awesome!) Until you get your ink refills, it might help to use a stamp positioner with those pads. Then you can repeatedly stamp in the same spot and hopefully make the image darker. Or try storing them upside-down. If they've been sitting for a while, ink may have settled to the bottom of the pad. Just a couple of thoughts; I don't know if they will help, but it might be worth a shot.
    The black ink pad I use most often is Memento Tuxedo Black. I even use it sometimes when I'm coloring with water-based markers. I'm just careful not to color over the lines of the image.


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