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Friday 12 April 2019

Update on The Accident; More Get Well Cards!

Ok, this is an update on the accident I was involved in.
I have met with the lady who run me over, and was able to tell her what my injuries were and how the accident has affected me.
Two lovely ladies from Restorative Justice called me one day to ask if I would be interested in meeting up with the offender to tell her how the accident affected me, and to let her know what my injuries were. It was all done in a very safe environment and there was no obligation to do it.
I chose to do it because I knew t would help me heal, not only physically, but also mentally and emotionally.
I had printed out what I wanted to say, but on the day of the meeting I was extremely anxious because I wasn't sure how I was going to react when I saw this lady, knowing she was the person who had hurt me.  (I will call her "L" from here in.)
There were five of us at the meeting, the 2 RJ ladies, L and he support person, and myself.  
They read out her statement she had given to the Police, and then I had the chance to read what I had written.
I wrote 6 1/4 pages - yes, it is a lot, but I needed to make sure "L" understood just what she had done to me.
I cried the whole time while reading it, it was just so confronting, here was this lady who had run me over, sitting three feet way from me.  It bought the accident right back, and what had happened since.
Anyway, I got through it and the last thing I said to "L" was, "L, I forgive you", and with that, I crossed the room and gave her a hug.  I said that I knew she had not done this on purpose, but I had been quite badly injured.
She totally took responsibility for the accident and said she was extremely sorry.  She also said she is going to pay me the $167 I spent on medical costs because of the accident.  As well as that she said she will get her mobility scooter governed so she cannot go fast.
As we chatted, we discovered that we are both into craft work, and I was able to shoe her photos of some of my cards I had made.
She is actually a really nice person, and we were both laughing and joking by the end of the meeting.
At my suggestion, we are going to meet up at the local mall for a cup of tea one day.  I am not sure when this will happen because, as I said to "L", I need some time to process everything.  I have her phone number so said I will call her to arrange a time when I am ready.
So the RJ meeting went really well and I am so glad I did it.  Even if I did cry while reading out how the accident had affected me. 
The meeting was such a healing experience for me, and I am sure it was for "L" as well.
"L" had another court appearance last week, and as well as being ordered to pay me the $167 I spent for medical fees, she was also ordered to pay me a sum for the trauma it has caused me.  She was very agreeable to this and was looking forward to us meeting up for a cup of tea sometime in the future.
When this will happen, I don't know.  I will just "know" when the time is right for me.
So my physical injuries have healed, but I am left with a fairly large scar on my left thigh, which, unfortunately, I will no doubt have for the rest of my life.  I have been using Bio-Oil on the scar for some weeks now and will continue to use it. It is great stuff for scars.
I had been feeling very sad and depressed after the accident, and so did not have any interest in making cards.  Yes, I was still checking your blogs though!  I just couldn't make any myself.
However, since the RJ meeting, I have felt MUCH better and as you will have seen, I have made some cards:-)  Yippee, I'm back!!
It's been a pretty tough time for me, the pain stopped me form leaving the house for around three months.  So I missed Summer:-(  And now we are into Autumn, with Winter snapping at it's heels already:-(  I am not a Winter person and my home is cold and damp, so Winter is not my fave time of year:-(  
And we have just gone off Daylight Saving last weekend, so it gets darker earlier now.  IT is more daylight in the morning but darker in the afternoon/early evening.  Please hurry back, Summer, I miss you!!
Ok, so I have received some more beautiful cards in the mail, as well as an awesome book plus more!  These are all from friends of Lorraines whom she had told my story too.  
I barely knnow Lorrain (only through our blogs and emails) and I certainly don't know any of these amazing people sho have snet me cards etc in the mail!  I have literally been blown away by their kindness and genuine concern for me.  "Thank you" just doesn't seem enough.  The cards arrived on different days, but but each time they arrived seemed to be a bad day for me...until I en to my mailbox and discovered what was there!  The cards etc just seemed to magically arrive at the right time:-)
Below are some more of the cards that I received - I hope you enjoy them as much as I do:-)
Below is another card I received from Barb, in Somerset New Jersey.  Look at the detail int he card!
Even the windows have real curtains!!  So cute!
And do you see the yellow envelope in the mail slot?!  Addressed to ME!
Below is the envelope, so tiny and so cute!
And even cuter (is that a real word?!)  is the letter/card inside!
And the flowers have some gorjuss sparkly red gems on them!
Below is a beautiful card from Dorrie woo is also  from New Jersey!  The card is very shiny and the gold and turqoise colours are sooo pretty!
Dorrie also sent me this awesome book, and yes Dorrie, I read it the very day it arrived!   Such an amazing, beautiful heart warming story.  I laughed, I cried, I said, "Oh no!" a few times, it was a truly beautiful story that really touched my heart.  I "got it", I totally understood the story and I am so glad I got the chance to read it!  Thank you Dorrie!
But wait...she also sen me this four leaf clover!! 
 And these cute stickers!!  Yep, she spoiled me!  Thank you!

The card below is from Clare!  Hand drawn - how lucky am I?! Clare is from Clovis in California.  Such pretty colours on the card and so cleverly drawn!  Thank you!
I have to admit, this gorjuss crane (Below) was made by Clare, isn't it pretty!   I have been to your blog and left you an comment to let you know it arrived safely!  I have tried Origami, but I am not good at it so left it alone.   The  words on the crane say: "Do it over and over again until it becomes apart of who you are." What inspiring words to live by.  Thank you Clare!
Check out her blog for the crane here to read about 1000 cranes.  A wonderful story:-)  So thank you for taking the time to make it for me:-)
This colourful card below is from Kathy!  She is also from New Jersey.  I just love the bright cheerful colours on the card, it's so pretty!  Thank you for your kind wishes!  It has been such a nice surprise getting everyones cards in the mail! 
The card below is from Linda, and she too is from New Jersey!  It's a very popular place!  The pretty, soft pastel colours on this card are so gorjuss, and the day the card arrived there was a rainbow in the sky!
I hope I have managed to match the  right names to the right cards!!  Thank you so much to all of you, you really made my day!  All your prayers and good wishes have worked because I am well again!!  The power of prayer is amazing:-)  Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Thank you for dropping by, have a SUNSHINE day!  {HUGS} from me to YOU:-) xxx


  1. Welcome back, Sunshine! I have been thinking about you and wondering how you were doing. Your meeting with L sounds like it was just what you needed, and you handled it so well. (Even if it's the right thing to do, I don't know that I could have forgiven her, at least not that soon.) The cards you received are all beautiful, and I'm so glad you received them just when you needed them. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your wonderful creations!

  2. I am so glad that you are getting some resolution from your accident and L. Your forgiving nature will surely help you get through it. I am also glad that the "pig ladies" have been able to uplift you when it seemed you needed it. The origami crane I am certain came from Clare also. Isn't it a wonderful blog with her 1000 crane project. You must know that most of the ladies from New Jersey I know personally. The others I have met through my blog and have become long-distance blogging friends as you have. I am blessed to have them all in my life one way or another. Continued healing friend.

  3. Hi Sunshine! So glad you are feeling better and that your meeting brought you some peace of mind. It's so important for healing. Glad you enjoyed the book as much as I did. It's hard to sit back and relax when you aren't feeling your best, but a good book does help pass the time. Take care. Sending prayers and good wishes your way!

    1. Hello Dorrie! Yes, the book was fabulous, such a h eartwarming story. It gave me 'warm fuzzies' all the way through! It's a book I will keep, and may be read again sometime in the future!
      Thank you so much for sending it to me:-)
      Yes, I am on the road to recovery now and getting back into my card making at last. It keeps me out of trouble - usually!
      Enjoy your Easter!
      Hugs from Sunshine xx


Hi there! I love to hear from you so please feel free to leave me a comment, or ask a question or two! Thank you, hugs from Sunshine, Bella-Rosa and Romeo-Valentino - my two "supervisors"!