The three photo's above is of my stamp room before I tidied up yesterday! Things were everywhere and nowhere! The only things in the right place was my punches on the wall! I didn't have much desk space to actually stamp or create, so I decided to clear stuff way and put it in it's right place!
The set of white drawers above also have stamps in them. I had the drawers made specially for my stamps, about 10 years ago. The guy that made them said he had never made stamp drawers before, and he was keen to get them done to see how they turned out! Each drawer has slider things on so they are easy to open and shut.
Above is my old method of storing my stamp pads = messy! And I could never find the right stamp pad! Below is my new storage for my stamp pads! I need to write the colour on some of the pads. It isn't exactly perfect but it works for me. For now! Until I find something better!
These photo's below are the room once I had tidied things up. It is a work in progress!
All my craft stuff is my living room; it's a large open space room and I can use as much space as I need/want! What i do need is some storage for under the tables. At the moment things are just kind of stacked under there in no order. My cats love to "explore" under there!
These are two flowers I made (below) using water to scrunch the flowers. This was some lumpy-bumpy card I had and had never used. It had great texture to it. The weird thing was, it went really slimy once I spritzed it with water!! It was slippery and felt slimy:-( But it made great flowers when it dried! To dry them I have a small ceramic bowl, and an egg cup, that I put the flowers in so they kept their shape. I used my hair dryer on a low setting to mostly dry them, then left them in the sun to completely dry. Lot's of fun:-)
Below is "Bella-Rosa" (AKA "Lula-Belle Irene"!) trying out her new "toy"! It's a bunch of toilet roll tubes with cat biscuits in! I put the tubes into a smallish box and then put some cat biscuits in each roll. She knew right away how to get the biscuits out, and had them scoffed up in a minute!
And this cute bloke is "Romeo-Valentino" all tucked up in a blanket! It was quite a cold day, and he just loves snuggling into a soft woolly blanket! The blanket is one of those weird colours (pale lavender) that just doesn't photograph well. It's a much brighter colour than it shows here.
This is one of my neighbours trees which is at the back of my place. Every Autumn it changes colour and eventually loses all it's leaves. I see it every day from my kitchen, and it is so pretty. This is the top of the tree, and it changes colour from the top to the bottom. So pretty:-)
Thanks for dropping in, I hope you left with a smile, and come back soon!
{HUGS} from me to YOU:-)