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Monday, 21 June 2021

How I Pay For My Addiction...

OMG! Two cards in one day!
Before I get on to the card, I have to tell you, something terrible happened.  I mean, really terrible. It happens often, and it's so annoying.  I almost passed out.
What was it?  Well...I was forced to stop crafting.  
Hunger got the better of me and then I realized.  It was lunch time!  Actually it was way past lunchtime b then.
Yes, I had to stop crafting to make lunch!  Of course, The Kidz wanted lunch as well, so that took up more of my crafting time. Then I had an important email to attend to...time went by.
So on with the card.  As you can see, "Trixie" has been forced to take up pole dancing to pay for her catnip habit.  
I know the feeling.  Not that I have a catnip habit...
I'd pay big money to see her pole dancing!
My thoughts are though, I think she needs a much stronger pole.  Imagine if she flew off the pole.  Maybe not.
Ok, so that's it for today.  The sun is fading fast - it's almost 4 pm Monday for me.  Today is the shortest day and the longest night.
Thank you for dropping by, have a SUNSHINE day!  Remember to always be your authentic self, and shine bright each and every day!


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