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Friday 6 September 2024

Half a Card?!

This is the 'beginning' of a new card I am making. Ok, so it's not much at the moment, and looks a little bit rough. But all will be revealed as if by Magic eventually! First of all, to give some perspective, the card measures 8 1/4inches in length by 4 inches.  This is as far as I can go with it, until my new stamps arrive. They are in the country, having arrived from overseas. I'm waiting on them to be scanned through the airport, then they will go to my local courier and finally delivered to me! It's a process and takes time. It's all very bewitching, and a little bit of Hocus Pocus thrown in, and I am looking forward to them arriving!  
On to some "tech" stuff. I hate it.  With a vengeance. However, when my mobile phone is fixed, and I go and collect it...I have to change all my passwords back to what they were originally. Did I mention I HATE tech stuff?? I have to get the staff at the shop to transfer my info back onto the sim card for my own phone, and it took 2 hours to get it sorted onto the loan phone. I am seriously NOT looking forward to it at all.
This time I will make sure I have taken painkillers before hand, have my water bottle and food with me, and I will ask for a chair to sit on while they get my phone sorted. The loan phone is rubbish. Talk about s-l-o-w. I just found out I cannot download any photos I have taken with it, because it's an older model than my own phone. That also means I have to use my proper camera to take any photo's want on my blog, such as the one above. No big deal, but for my cards I make I prefer to use my mobile as it is quicker to use and then upload them to my blog. I have a funny photo that I took of Romeo, using the mobile, but I can't download it. Bummer. So many tech issues testing my patience! Did I mention how much I HATE tech stuff....?! Ok, thanks for dropping by! Have a SUNSHINE day! Remember to always be your authentic self, and shine bright each and every day!



  1. Ooh, this is a cool background for a card. Can’t wait to see the finished product! -Andrea

  2. Looking forward to seeing where this is going. Can you e-mail the photo to yourself to upload it from there?

  3. That's good idea Lorraine! I never thought of trying that! I'll give it a go and include it in my next post. Thank you!!


Hi there! I love to hear from you so please feel free to leave me a comment, or ask a question or two! Thank you, hugs from Sunshine, Bella-Rosa and Romeo-Valentino - my two "supervisors"!