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Tuesday 3 September 2024

A Quick Update!

 I don't have any new cards to post at the moment. I've been busy trying to fix my printer. Less than two years old, it conked out. Just stopped printing. I had someone in to try and fix it, but after four hours of trying, it just refused to print. So then I had to by a new one. Got that set up, only to discover it was on the "letter" setting, which is why it wasn't printing the bottom lines on the page. Changed the settings to A4 and bingo, it works fine! The next day I had to go an buy new ink cartridges for it, because the printer only came with the bare minimum of ink, and I didn't want to run out mid print.
As well as tech issues, I had to have blood taken. I went twice to one lab and both times they weren't able to find a vein. I left there with bruises up and down my arms and not feeling happy. I am not a pincushion. Days later I went to a different blood lab, (fingers crossed!) and bingo, they found a vein right away and got the blood they needed. And guess what?! No bruise at all - yes, I was happy about that! 
So now I am waiting for the results to find out if I need to see a Rheumatologist or not. This is to do with the pain I have (and still am) been experiencing. My GP isn't sure if it was from a medication I was taking or not. So I have my fingers crossed that it isn't anything other than the medication.  On top of all that drama, my new, less than five months old mobile phone has been really difficult to turn on/off. So I took it back to where it was purchased from. Well! Talk about dramas! I had to leave it with them, and in the meantime they have loaned me a phone to use. I wanted all my data taken off my phone and put on to the loan phone. It took ages to transfer it over, so we left it there and went and did some shopping. They had said to come back in half an hour, which we did. But guess what?! When we got back to the shop, it hadn't been done correctly, so we had to wait some more...! By now I was in pain and due to take painkillers, but had forgotten my water bottle. Then I had change passwords so I could get into the loan phone. Well it became very obvious the loan phone had been very well used as it was soooo slow and kept refusing the passwords. By now I was ready to roll on the floor and throw a tantrum!! We had been there for around 2 hours getting things sorted. Finally we left and came home. However, when I went to get into my emails and blog this morning, on my  laptop, of course, I had changed the passwords, so that took some sorting out as well! I think I have had enough of technology for now! So, no cards this post, but some cute photo 's of Wookie rolling around on my path one sunny day! She flirts with the camera and is such a poser. The first photo below, is of my neighbours  Magnolia tree. It's just gorgeous at this time of year.
These next few photo's are of  Wookie - officially my neighbours cat, but she chooses to live here with me because her real owners have dogs and she doesn't like them. Long story! P.S. I have some new stamps coming...I wonder witch ones they are??!

Ok, thanks for dropping in! Have a SUNSHINE day! Remember to always be your authentic self, and shine bright each and every day!


  1. Oh my word! You certainly have had a run of it. Hope your luck starts going in the other direction soon.

  2. The magnolia tree is gorgeous, and I love the photos of Wookie! I hate tech drama! I hope the rest of this week is quiet, calm, and uneventful for you! -Andrea


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