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Sunday 9 June 2024

Meet Thayer!

This is "Thayer", one of the LS stamps. I've had him for some time but haven't used him much, if at all. I stamped him some time back, had a mental block as to how to finish the card, so I left him alone. Yesterday I decided to use a stencil from LS to stencil in some stars around him. I used some of the new Versafine Clair ink pads to stencil the stars. Then I added the corner stamps, and one of the new mini leaf cluster stamps. I used a grey ink pad for those mini leaves, and stamped off once to give a more softer look. The head piece i quite sparkly as I used some clear Stickles, some very tiny gold stars and clear gel pen. I wish I hadn't done the yellow balls of light because they did not turn out right. Oh well, too late now, they're done!

Thanks for dropping by! Have a SUNSHINE day! Remember to always be your authentic self, and shine bright each and every day!

1 comment:

  1. Cool card! I would have had a hard time knowing what to do with this image, too. You did a great job, Sunshine! -Andrea


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