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Tuesday 25 June 2024

Gone Fishin'!

I made the card above using Stampin' Up! A Fish and a Wish stamps and punch. I'm not 'a little ray of Sunshine' today as I have either another cold, or it's allergies. It's hard to tell, but I keep sneezing, have a runny/blocked nose and watery eyes. I'm not keen on the fish card but I wanted to make something.  Poor Romeo has also been sneezing a little. I think his is allergies. It's not easy for me to get him to and from the Vet as I have to get there by taxi and they are not always reliable because they don't always arrive on time. He's heavy and I have a hard time lifting him in his carry cage. He's not too bad, so I'll see how he is tomorrow and make a decision then.
No you are not seeing double! You are correct, you have seen this card (above) in a previous post! However, I have added some sparkly sequins to three of the corners. I post all my LS cards on LS face book pages, and can ONLY use LS products on my cards. The sequins are not from LS. I think the card looks better with the sequins on. So this is why I have added it here! Thanks for dropping by, have a SUNSHINE day! Remember to always be your authentic self and shine bright each and every day! 

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