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Friday 21 June 2024

Lavinia Stamps "Astrid"!

 This is "Astrid", she is quite a large stamps, so I used my stamp platform to make sure I got a good impression of her without any 'missing' bits.
I stamped her in Nocturne ink - I use this ink 99% of the time - and then used my Kuretake water colour Real Brush markers to colour her hair. I also used these markers to colour her face, lips and eyes. For the blue background I brushed on some  Elements ink, Mermaid and Blue Lagoon. The 'bubbles' are "Pink Orbs" from Lavinia. I added a small sticker that says, "Floating". I splattered on a mix of Scottish Thistle Mica Minerals mixed with a few drops of water. Lastly I  used a fine wet paint brush to add some wavy lines down the card. The card measure 5x 5 inches. She was fun to create and this is the first time I have used her. Thanks for dropping by! Have a SUNSHINE day! Remember to always be your authentic self and shine bright each and every day!

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous, Sunshine! I love all the texture in the background and the glow around Astrid. -Andrea


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