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Saturday, 20 February 2016

Feeling Let Down

No photo's this morning - sorry!  I have just called TV3 news room to see if  they are interested in picking up my story/complaint about St. John Ambulance.  I have given them the details of what happened and that St. John refused to send me an ambulance.  They will  call me if they want to pick it up or not.
I am sick of everyone involved passing the buck.  The reply I kept getting yesterday, was, "I don't know anything about your email/photo's, it's not my department".  Someone needs to own up and be accountable.  I'm sore, I'm itchy and I am  darn cranky. (And that is the polite version!)  I've been very patient all week.  I'm over it now.
Thanks for visiting, {HUGS} from me to YOU:-)

1 comment:

  1. Poor lass! I am so glad you have the photos too so you have proof. Each day they are healing. Love the Paw paw reference, sounds like animal ointment!xx


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