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Saturday 17 June 2023

Not Feeling Well.

Just dropping in to let everyone know that I am not well at the moment and have not been able to make any cards or anything. I have a terrible sore throat/head cold/sinus infection. I also have a temperature and am taking Paracetamol every four/five hours to keep my sore throat and temperature at bay.  It is ICY cold here, and next week, all going to plan, I will be having a heat pump installed in my home. This is a very cold damp house in Winter, so it will be nice to have some heat for a change.
These are some of the photos I till while doing the photos for March Cato's advertising earlier in the year. This photo (above and below) is one of the truckers, called Alan.  He kept asking me to take his I did! I can't remember the other two guys names, but they were all some of the truckers.  

The photo above is some Belladonna flowers (aka Naked Ladies) growing in the garden. Such a pretty pink, although these look almost white. I think these ones had been flowering for awhile.

Above is another one of the truckers who wanted his photo taken! They were all really friendly polite guys, and always waved if they saw m out on the street. Even now, 2 1/2 months later, they still wave and honk the horn if they see me! They have moved from my road and are further along another road nearby.
Last but not least is a photo I took of the moon one day. I took this around 11 am in the morning, and I would have thought the moon would have disappeared by that time, but here it is! Thanks for dropping by, have a SUNSHINE day! Remember to always be your authentic self, and shine bright each and every day!



  1. I hope you feel better soon, Sunshine! And I hope the installation of your heat pump goes smoothly. Looks like the weather's going to be hot here next week -- wish I could send a few of our degrees to you!

  2. Kudos to you for helping out those workers with their photos. Love the flower and that moon pic is spectacular. Sure hope you're feeling better soon and your heating system gets worked out.


Hi there! I love to hear from you so please feel free to leave me a comment, or ask a question or two! Thank you, hugs from Sunshine, Bella-Rosa and Romeo-Valentino - my two "supervisors"!