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Sunday 27 August 2023

Frolicking On The Lawn!

These are not my cats. They belong to one of my neighbours over my back fence. They visit me often. Above is "Teddy", and he is tossing a mouse (not a real one!) in the air and having a great time! Below is "Wookie", and she is shadow boxing! Either that or she is dancing?! 
And below is "Teddy" again, this time with a rat - definitely not a real one!

In this photo below, it looks like "Teddy" has little white boxing gloves on his front paws!
And this photo below would have been awesome if I hadn't chopped "Wookie's" tail off:-( She was moving at speed! There is a long ribbon tied to my clothesline and she was having a great time with it as it blew around in the wind!  I think she is practicing how to levitate! 
And "Teddy"!! Here he is below,  practicing how to be a Witches cat ready for Halloween!
This, below is the whole photo. He was having a bit of a hiss a "Wookie" who had dared to play with the ribbon!

 I had fun, the cats had fun, and I managed to get a few candid photo's.  It was a relaxing afternoon, not a lot of sun, but enough that it wasn't too cold. Unfortunately, once again, I have been back in hospital last week. OMG, they took me to a different hospital which was about 50 minutes from home!  This is not usual. Mostly I end up in the local Hospital, which is about 15 minutes away. However, I ended up in a different hospital this time, due to the ambulance crew not knowing too much about my health issues. Thankfully, once I was discharged, the hospital gave me a Taxi chit so I could get home. I had no other way of getting home, and the chit means the DHB cover the cost of the taxi. This is their policy for people like me, who are a long way from home and have no other way to get home. I am very grateful to the DHB for this! Had I paid for the Taxi, it would have been at least $100 or more! That could buy a lot of craft things! So I have no new cards to share at the moment. While I am well enough to be home, I am still recovering and just taking things one day at a time, and getting back to a normal routine. Hopefully that is the last of my hospital trips for awhile because I am over it! That's four hospital trips since the end of June = enough!!
On  positive note, I have some new neighbours, whom came to introduce themselves recently. A lovely young couple in their 20's, and they bought me some yummy chocolate muffins he had just baked! What a lovely gesture! Sadly, I knew I was not well and was going to end up in hospital, so I put the muffins in the freezer to keep them fresh. I wasn't sure how long I would be in hospital and didn't want the muffins to go to waste. I took a muffin out of the freezer and put it into the microwave for  a few seconds and OMG they tasted soooooo yummy!
Then sometime later I had an email from them asking if I was ok, as they had seen the ambulance here a few nights back. They are so thoughtful, and their concern is really appreciated! And as a 'bonus', they have a beautiful champagne and white cat called "Danny", who sometimes visits. He is very shy and doesn't know me yet. When I call his name he looks at me as if to say, "I don't know you, how do you know my name?! Hopefully he will get to know I am ok and will not hurt him, and I might be lucky to be able to  pat  him! I love being visited by all the neighbours cats! And Romeo likes seeing them all too! Ok, that's it for today, it's been a somewhat sunny day, but we just had a nasty shower of rain and the sun has gone behind the clouds and it is getting cold again. Hurry up Summer! Spring arrives on the 1st of September! (Tell that to my Daffodils that flowered in April, and have just flowered again!!) Thank you for dropping by! Have a SUNSHINE day! Remember to always be your authentic self, and shine bright each and every day!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! You have had a run of it haven't you. It's nice to know that you have such thoughtful young neighbors. We're headed into fall here but I'm going to hold to summer as long as we can.


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