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Monday, 20 January 2025

Not Having Fun. UPDATE.

Here I am back in Hospital, again. They're trying to get a needle in but my veins are very small, and after four attempts, they have now gone to find a Doctor. I've had enough needles. I'm waiting for them to give me something to stop me throwing up, and get rid of the nausea. I get to the stage where I can't deal with any more needles, and I  become very anxious. I'm close to that point now. I'll update this later. 
Ok, so I was eventually discharged last night, and am back home again. I have a card to share! Yes, another cad inspired by the lovely Eileen Godwin. I wonder if she reads my blog?! I somehow doubt she has the time, but hey, you never know! My trip to hospital didn't go well, they were unable to find a vein to take blood, and after many attempts, they gave up. So no blood tests, and no fluids to re-hydrate me. I seem to be doing ok though, so that's good news. The Doctor I had was great, really supportive and made sure I had all the meds I needed plus a script for some other meds I needed. She was also very apologetic that they had tried so many times to find a vein without luck. They wanted to try a vein in my foot, but I've had that done  before and it's absolutely horrible, and is so painful. I said NOOO! Luckily they understood, and so that was the end of it!
Here is my card. 
I stenciled the background in pale pink and pale blue ink. The border is a bit wonky, but the sky is not going to fall because of it! My hands are still a bit shaky. The weather here is not the best today, especially as it is SUMMER, and it has been raining this morning. We've also had loads of strong wind for the last 2  1/2 weeks, and I am over it! Everyone is sick of the wind, and we just want our Summer back again. Ok, thanks for dropping by! Have a SUNSHINE day! Remember to always be your authentic self, and shine bright each and every day!

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry you were back in the hospital, Sunshine, and that you had a not-so-fun experience. But I'm glad you're back home and, I hope, on the road to feeling better. The fact that you created a card -- and a beautiful one -- is a good sign! I really have to check out Eileen's videos. :) - Andrea


Hi there! I love to hear from you so please feel free to leave me a comment, or ask a question or two! Thank you, hugs from Sunshine, Bella-Rosa and Romeo-Valentino - my two "supervisors"!