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Friday 18 October 2024

Royal Mail Stuff Up.

Ten days ago I ordered a stencil from Sweet Poppy, in the UK. It was sent to me on the 8th of this month. It should have been here by now. Every time I try to track it, it says 'incorrect tracking number". Two days ago I sent Sweet Poppy an email with the invoice number as well as tracking number I had been sent. They said Royal Mail had given me an incorrect tracking number, and they (SP) would chase it up with Royal Mail. This is not the first time Royal Mail have given me the wrong tracking number. I am so frustrated, and just want my stencil.  It's one I saw Eileen Godwin used to create a card.  No card to post yet! Thanks for dropping by! Have a SUNSHINE day! Remember to always be your authentic self, and shine bright each and every day!

Sunday 13 October 2024

Stamp and Spin Flower Card.

I used my Stamp and Spin tool to create this card. I stamped a small snowflake (above) using Lost Shadow ink. Each time I stamped, I turned the SAS one notch to the right. You could use  any pale colour to stamp with. Once I had complete the circle, I glued some paper flowers on top of the stamped snowflakes, as well as some small padded gold padded stars.
To finish the card (Below) I added some pale pink and pale blue Nuvo Crystal drops in between the flowers and stars. I also stamped the three words (Lavinia Stamps) and stuck the image on to a piece of black card, and finally onto a folded pink card. I came up with this idea while watching a movie last night. I have no idea why the idea came to me because I wasn't thinking about cards or anything like that. I was, (I thought!) concentrating on the movie I was watching! Anyway, the idea is to stamp in a pale colour, so that whatever you place on top, it covers the stamped image. You could put stamped images you have cut out, buttons, small light embellishments...whatever you like.
Stamping the snowflake creates the wreath shape to place your embellishments on. I'm happy hw this turned out, and am sure I'll use this idea again sometime. Thanks for dropping by! Have a SUNSHINE day! Remember t o always be your authentic self, and shine bright each and every day!



Saturday 12 October 2024

Another Witch Card!

I actually made three of these Witch cards today. There is some pale blue stenciling to the right hands side of the Witch. I was inspired by a video by Eileen Godwin, and decided to have a go! This Witch is called 'Faba'. She is one of three that are this bigger size, and there are another three (the same Withces) that are smaller. Thanks for dropping by! Have a SUNSHINE day! Remember to always be your authentic self and shine bright each and every day!


Friday 11 October 2024

I Made A Card and A Tip!

I used my round gel press for the background on this card. Card measures 6x6 inches. I tired to get a shot of the silver glitter on the photo below. Al Lavinia Stamps products.
Here's a tip for those who use the Stamp and Spin Tool. To keep your sticky grid paper clean, so you can easily see the measurements, after placing the card you want to stamp on, a piece of clear plastic on either side of your card, up against the sides (and bottom) of your card. This works well if you want to do repeat stamping across your card. The lid on the SAST is removeable. You can move it up or down as your stamp across your card, without needing to move the stamp.
In the photo below you can see I have moved the lid up one notch each time I have used a different colour ink. The ink is easy to clean off the clear plastic when you have finished your stamping.
A closer look at the lid. I had moved it up two notches.

Here's a photo (below) showing this excess ink on the clear plastic. Just wipe it off with a damp cloth and it's clean again.
This tip with the clear plastic also works if you use a Stamp Platform. Mine doesn't have an adjustable lid, but using the clear plastic idea still works to keep the sticky grid paper clean. Keeping it clean just ensures you can easily see where to place your card before stamping. I hope al this makes sense! Thanks for dropping by! Have a SUNSHINE day! Remember to always be your authentic self, and shine bright each and every day!



Thursday 10 October 2024

It Was Going So Well Until...

...I ruined it๐Ÿ˜–. This was the wreath card I was doing, before I became unwell on Saturday. I had stamped the pink, purples and blue colours. Then I ended up in hospital for the afternoon, and was then discharged three hours later.  (I ended up back in hospital for the next few days, so this was left on my desk.) So once I was home I decided to finish the card, and stupidly stamped the bees in black ink. Big mistake! They don't blend in with the other soft colours. Oh well, I'll flip the card over and start again on the other side, without the bee's this time! Lesson learned, don't stamp when you're not well! The card is still sitting on my desk for now. I'll get back to it when I can. The card measures 7x7 inches square. All Lavinia Stamps products.
Thanks for dropping by! Have a SUNSHINE day! Remember to always be your authentic self, and shine bright each and every day!

Wednesday 9 October 2024

Home Again!

Back home again finally! Feeling very tired and weak with not much energy. My vision is blurry, also due o the drugs, but all that will clear in a week or so. I'm not able to create anything at the moment, but do have a couple of ideas for when I am feeling more like myself. I went into hospital on Saturday morning, but was miss-diagnosed and wasn't given the right medication, and was sent home late that afternoon. I 'knew' I wasn't well  enough to be sent home, but that's what happened. I was home for a couple of hours and became even more unwell and ended up back in hospital. This time I got the right Doctors who started me on the right medication and treatment. I was then admitted to a ward and had a lovely private room that had a nice view out over the garden, 2 stories down. I have deep gratitude for the nurses who cared for me, I cannot fault them. Being in isolation, I was confined to my room. Anything I needed, I had to call for a nurse. My nurse, Anna, was amazing, bringing me early morning (5 am) cups of tea, and making sure I was comfortable etc. I must tell you... this hospital has a resident cat! Her name is Daisy, and she is the sweetest girl ever! She has free range to the whole hospital, and is often seen asleep on someone's bed. She 'knows' when someone is about to give birth, and will go into their room and cuddle up to them until the baby arrives. I saw her when I was in the Emergency Department, but she was on a mission and  didn't stay with me. Patients and visitors are often surprised to see a cat roaming the hospital and in and around the wards. Everyone who works in the hospital knows Daisy. Sometime's she's found in the back of one of the Ambulances, as she knows they have treats for her! Daisy actually lives next to the hospital, but 'lives' at the hospital. Her owners know where she is and that she is very well cared for, well fed, and loved by so many people. She's at the hospital 24/7, and has people there who look out for her. She has her own face book page! Daisy The Hospital Cat! (Waitakere Hospital) She makes you feel good even when you really don't feel well, or very happy. She has that magic about her that makes you smile! Oops, I am rambling now. I just wanted to let you know I am home from hospital, I am ok, but still having some issues that will settle soon. While I was in hospital I found a video done by Eileen Godwin (yes, another one!) and I liked it so much, that I have ordered the stencil she used! I just love her art work and am so inspired by her. Ok, that's it! Thanks for dropping by! Have a SUNSHINE day! Always remember to be your authentic self, and shine bright each and every day!

Monday 7 October 2024

A Short Note!

So here I am back in hospital again. Been here three days and am keeping my fingers crossed they discharge me later today. I'm feeling much better than when I was admitted on Saturday. Long story but here I am! Just discovered how to get into my blog via my mobile. Obviously no cards to show here, but have some creative ideas buzzing away in my head for when I'm home. Have my friends and neighbour's looking after the cats, so grateful for them. Been trying  to relax and do some Reiki on myself in hopes of speeding up my recovery! The staff here are great. Being in isolation, I'm not allowed to leave my room, so I ring the bell if I need anything. Anyway, just wanted to let you all know where I am and why there are no new creations with this post! Thanks for dropping by! Have a SUNSHINE day! Remember to always be your authentic self, and shine bright each and every day!